Novembers Meeting Minutes 

November 1, 2018

7:00-8:00 PM

Rogers Elementary School Library

7700 Fine Road, St. Louis, Missouri

  1. Introductions and Welcome

  1. Students of the Month

    1. Kindergarten - Nolan Smith

    2. 1st - Stacey Townsley

    3. 2nd - Grant Stumpf

    4. 3rd - Scout Blagg

    5. 4th - Elle Randolph

    6. 5th - Annabelle Smith

  1. Approval of October’s Minutes

  1. Treasurer’s Report and Committee Reports

    1. Treasurer - Paula Buchanan  

    2. Fundraising - Linda Hartsell

      1. 30 students participated in the popcorn fundraiser

      2. 131 items sold ($2067)

      3. $800 estimated profit

      4. Pick-up for the popcorn is November 15

      5. We will have a spring fundraiser in February

    3. Communications - Lori Tillman

      1. 3rd Grade Muffins with Mom form went home today - due November 15th

      2. PJs and Pancakes with Santa and Elf Shelf went home today - due November 16th

    4. School Events - update from a board member

      1. Muffins with Mom for 2nd grade is November 16th - forms due tomorrow

      2. Kids Night Out i November 9th - forms due tomorrow

  1. New Business

    1. School Events Coordinator

      1. Ellen Smith voted into the role

    2. Muffins with Mom

      1. Will cost $1500-$1800 this year. Is this how RPO should spend the money?

      2. Asked for ideas from the parents in attendance

        1. Ask for places to donate the food

        2. Ellen Smith with check with Trautwein for what they do

        3. Ask for $5.00 donation

        4. Ask for moms to only attend one of the Muffins with Mom, if you have more than one child at Rogers

        5. Could classrooms do an activity instead of the school?

        6. Divide the school by alphabet, not grade level

    3. Volunteers

      1. We need volunteers - only one for 2nd-grade Muffins with Mom & one for Kids Night Out

      2. Asked for ideas from the parents in attendance

        1. anyone can volunteer - ask grandparents

        2. share that we need help

        3. ask teachers to include it in their newsletters

        4. talk at curriculum nights

        5. Dr. Keenoy to send email

        6. remind parents they can still volunteer for parties

        7. send Friday eblast earlier in the day, maybe even Thursday evening

  1. An Update From Dr. Keenoy

    1. thanked RPO board members for their support of Rogers

    2. sent a letter to the police sergeant today to thank the police for the help with parking for the Halloween party

    3. glad that Rogers still has the Halloween parties because they bring the community together

    4. MAP testing results will go home in February

    5. District Facilities Committee is forming and Larry Long will be the parent representative for Rogers

    6. Kids Vote will be happening at Rogers tomorrow and Monday in the computer lab - ask your student(s) about it

  1. Closing

Next meeting January 9, 2019, 7 PM

Posted by Lhirth On 23 January, 2019 at 10:19 AM  

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