
Welcome to the RPO Fundraising page!

Fundraising isn't all we do, but it is part of our opportunity to support the teachers and school for our children!

Fundraising helps the RPO fund exciting programs, enrichment activities and supplemental materials for the students, staff, and families of Rogers Elementary. We have several fundraisers throughout the year and need YOUR help to make them a success! The below list provides some ideas on how you can help our school. Additional fundraisers will be added throughout the year.

Questions? Contact our Fundraising Chair, Christie Brennecke, at [email protected].

RPO General Fund Donations
100% of your donation goes directly to the RPO, students, and school! 
Donations are tax deductible!

We accept Venmo!  @treasurer_rpo  --  Please include your name, email, Venmo ID & purpose for donation.

Employee-Paid Volunteer Hours

Check to see if your employer has a program that pays for your volunteer hours! Many places will make a donation to the place you donate your time to, and Rogers Parent Organization as well as Rogers Elementary would love for you to choose us!

Amazon Smile

When you are shopping on Amazon, just go to instead! This link provides all the same products and prices, but you can select Rogers Parent Organization to receive a percentage of what you spent as a donation from Amazon!

The Mehlville School District strictly prohibits discrimination and harassment against employees, students or others on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and other characteristics protected by law. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: contact Adam Smith at 314-467-5006 or [email protected].